Even in the winter, salad is a lovely part of a meal. Some
people like pickles with their meals, but I prefer salad. Of course there is no
stopping you having both.

I used to go to the green grocer, and to market stalls and beetroot would be bubbling away on a camping stove
, the earthy smell wafting along the road,
drawing me in. Freshly cooked beets were ready to buy, and when you came to use
them the dry outer skin could be rubbed off, revealing the rich deep red flesh
ready to eat, sweet and cool. The supermarkets sell small versions of the
larger lovely beets and both can be wonderfully dressed with a mustard
vinaigrette. The onion is essential, and the longer it sits in the dressing
with the beetroot the better – but it is still pretty good straight away.
Beetroot Salad Recipe
Four small beetroot or equivalent
One small onion
Mustard vinaigrette
- Slice the beetroot to suit – I like it diced
- Finely chop the onion
- Mix with vinaigrette
Large teaspoon Dijon mustard
Large pinch salt
Generous grindings of black pepper
I tbsp wine vinegar
2 tbsp light oil (sunflower or similar)
- mix salt, pepper and mustard
- stir in the vinegar until it is well combined
- stir in oil until dressing looks like a loose mayonnaise
Variations of ingredients and methods
- Walnuts and parsley are delicious additions to the salad
- A little whisk makes combining the mustard dressing easier