Tart made with Wilma's Bramley apples |
Betty’s original recipe used Calvados, which lent a hint of apple, but any strong alcohol will do. I’ve tried using rum, brandy and vodka, although I prefer something with flavour.
Since I've run out of Calvados I used rum in this tart |
for two 8"/20cm tarts
500g plain flour
300g unsalted butter
100g castor sugar
2 egg yolks
1 coffee cup of strong alcohol
For the filling - per tart
two tins of apricots
1kg/2lb+ of fresh fruit, stoned or peeled and cored
I usually use tightly packed plums or apricots as the filling - but you can use apples or pears
- cream butter and sugar together
- add egg yolk, beat in until combined
- slowly add alcohol, beating all the time - if it happens to start to separate add a spoonful of flour
- add in sifted flour a little at a time
- if the mixture becomes slightly dry add water to combine into a ball
- allow mixture to sit for at least an hour - best in a plastic bag in the fridge
- roll out half the pastry and line well buttered tart tin - if it cracks patch with scraps
- crimp the edge with your fingers and trim of surplus - I like a nice fat edge
- pack fruit in tightly - fresh fruit is great, but you can also use tinned apricots
- sprinkle liberally with demerera sugar or failing that granulated sugar
- cook for 45m at gas mark 4/350 F/180 C
- eat hot or cold
- great with slightly sweetened creme fraiche, cream or ice cream
Don't stress too much about how the fruit is arranged, just make sure there is plenty of it, packed tight.
Try using the pastry recipe to make wonderful shortbread.
Roll it into a fat sausage, wrap and chill for an hour, then cut slices with a very sharp knife.
lay out on lined baking sheet and prick with fork
cook for 15-20m gas mark 4/350 F/180 C
lay out on lined baking sheet and prick with fork
cook for 15-20m gas mark 4/350 F/180 C
Just bundle it up, wrap it and chill, pinching off pieces of the mixture and flatten into discs with a fork.
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